by Ramon Reinoso on Thu, Apr 2nd (1425 Views) 0 comments

We never imagined that a flu-like virus put the entire world in check.

Since it appeared, it closed the doors to one of the most prosperous cities in the Chinese Giant, and even so with the doors closed, it took over the world until it was taken over.

How many people have lost their lives, leaving families destroyed, and how many people still remain isolated because they have been in place of risk. It could even be said that the vast majority were enjoying their holidays.

The vast majority of governments did not take the strictest measures, did not close their borders on time and today they have the problem at home. A problem that will have a solution, since there are a large number of professionales working to find it,and with the help of God we will close this stage and we will be winners.

But now, unfortunately we have plenty of want we have always lacked, time, and as everyone owns their own, they can do whatever they want, and right now that is a danger. One of the hand , because we want to leave when our city is declared in quarantine, that is, before we did not want to go to work and today we are crying out for it. 

Panic makes us buy without measure thinking of us, without realizing that the right thing to do is for everyone, because this pandemic will be resolved for the good of all. On the other hand, we have dedicated ourselves to putting humor to this that we are suffering, and yes, it is true, that humor works when it seems that everything is lost, and it is true that our creative capacity to laugh at this scourging evil has been demostrated, but you have to put a limit to everything.

Let's imagine for a moment that a person with whom we spoke a few days ago, today is diagnosed with the disease, that person does not belong to our family, nor is he our friend, but he is someone we know, who works with us, who his children study in the same school of ours, and that we are simple friends on one of the social networks. That person who yesterday laughed at the coronavirus memes, and who even shared them, today has disappeared from the network, it isolated, his children can not be by his side either and you find out about that situation. So, would you keep making jokes about this pandemic?. If your answer is that if it doesn't matter, you are not a bad person, you just make humor to ease the sorrows.

Now imagine for a single minute that whoever has had to be in that situation is the person closest to you, someone you love with all your soul. My question is, would you still be doing humor? do not have to give me the answer, I just wish that everything is imagination.

Someone will find a cure for this horrible disease, someone will find the exact formula for the vaccine that will prevent us from this disease. Surely it will not be a single person, there will be many professionals who together will find the solution. The same ones that have found a solution for so many ills through the years and that we usually don't even know about. Scientists who are criticized for possibly charging a little more than other professionals, but who are insignificant at the feet of a soccer player who charges millions and who everyone loves and admires. 

However life will change us all, surely nothing will be the same because we will learn to take care of ourselves in another way, we will become aware that one are safe when those around us are safe, we will put more order in our lives, we will avoid excessive contact, and we will limit our circle of truly close people, and something very important, we will more value to those scientists who will one day find a cure, to all the personnel who are working every day among affected people, from the specialized doctor to those who are dedicated to cleaning, we will give importance to the work of law wnforcement officers who in the midst of these times have to go out on the street to fulfill their duty, exposing themselves directly and fighting head-on with this enemy.

Life must be lived with love and humor, with love to understand it, with humor to bear it. Beautiful phrase that right now I do not know who wrote and that has a lot of coherence, but, we are already enduring a lot thanks to that humor, I think it is time to truly understand what is happening and that is why we need a lot of love.

There are many people who have lost loved ones in this battle, or who are waiting for someone very special who is isolated. Sadness, loneliness, the recommendation not to group and the time left makes them visit the social networks regularly, and then they find so many jokes about their pain that it will even seem disrespectful for them.

Let's not lose humor, because without it there is no life, but let's add a lot of love to that formula so that the mixt is perfect. Let's find the balance between humor and daily life and get the most out of it, but please, do not play with the enemy, because it is strong, we do not know him and he attacks us head-on without using strategies because he is invisible.

Ramon Reinoso

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